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  • 发布时间:2012-05-17



摘 要




With the increasing application of robot in various industrial fields, it is requested that robot has the ability to control power. According to the contact task of rotary hull, a 3-DOF robot manipulator is designed in order to accomplish sticking of the colloid. The robot manipulator consists of a transfer joint and two revolute joints and robot end-effector. The robot manipulator could realize the contacting task combining with the driving system of rotary hull. The concrete processing comprising of driving screw transmission with the servo motor. In this way, robot manipulator could complete movement in horizontal direction, the revolute joint could be able to accomplish revolute motion of two dimension-space through a chain driving, the revolute joint of end-effector completes directly revolute motion with the servo motor.
Firstly, this design has been carried on the kinematics analysis in order to the manipulator, which consists of including the establishment of kinematics equation, the positive solutions of the kinematics equation, the corresponding inverse solutions. Secondly, the transfer joint, revolute joint and the transmission part are designed. The important part is the design of servo feeding system, which consists of the design of the platform and the screw, the selection of linear guide way, servo motor and reducer, etc. Finally, the corresponding calculations are done considering the systems main guide line such as components stiffness, strength and other performance parameters.

Keywords: Robot manipulator;Freedom;Kinematics analysis;Servo motor;Right-angle reducer
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 工业机械手的用途 3
2 机械手结构的总体方案设计 4
2.1 课题的主要内容 4
2.2 课题的研究方案 4
2.3 机械手结构的总体设计 4
2.3.1 主要技术指标设计 4
2.3.2 机械手的结构设计 4
3 机械手运动学分析 6
3.1 机械手运动学方程的建立 6
3.2 运动学方程的正解 7
3.3 运动学方程的逆解 8
4 传动装置的设计 10
4.1 伺服电机及减速器的选择 10
4.1.1 机电领域中伺服电机的选择原则 10
4.1.2 旋转关节驱动电机及减速器的选择 10
4.2 链轮的设计及链条的选择 11
4.2.1 滚子链传动的设计 11
4.2.2 链轮的设计 13
4.2.3 滚子链的静强度计算 14
4.2.4 链传动的张紧 15
4.2.5 链传动的润滑 15
5 轴的设计与验算 16
5.1 轴的结构设计 16
5.1.1 选择轴的材料 16
5.1.2 初步估计轴径 17
5.2 轴的校核 18
6 轴上零件的选择与计算 25
6.1 键的选择与键联接强度校核 25
6.1.1 大臂末端电机轴上键的选择与校核 25
6.1.2 轴上矩形花键的选择与校核 26
6.1.3 小臂电机轴上键的选择与校核 26
6.2 滚动轴承的验算 26
6.2.1 确定轴承的承载能力 27
6.2.2 计算当量动载荷 28
6.2.3 校核轴承寿命 28
7 伺服进给系统的设计与计算 29
7.1 滚珠丝杠的设计 29
7.1.1 材料的选择 29
7.1.2 耐磨性计算 29
7.1.3 螺杆的强度计算 30
7.1.4 螺杆的稳定性计算 30
7.2 丝杠副的选择计算 31
7.2.1 螺母的疲劳寿命计算 32
7.2.2 螺母螺纹牙的强度计算 33
7.2.3 螺母凸缘的强度计算 34
7.3 丝杠驱动电机的选择 34
7.4 机械导轨的选择 35
7.5 联轴器的选择与计算 36
7.5.1 选择联轴器的类型 36
7.5.2 联轴器的主要参数 37
7.5.3 联轴器的计算扭矩 37
结论 39
致谢 40
参考文献 41
附录A 42
附录B 48

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