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The design of φ2,600 roller grinding machines support and seal
Abstract: This article is mainly designed for the mill roll of grinding or slag cement grinding. The roller machines rotational speed should be 1.2 times higher than the critical rotation speed. It is a stern question to make sure the roller bodys seal in such high speed. The roller grinding machine which belongs to closed powder system required by strict blockage. And the machines nose seal uses the labyrinth seal which can be able to effectively prevent the dust released outside in the process of powder rubs, and to achieve the seal of roller. The roller grinding machines support system needs to withstand the load that the rotation part and the material engender in the rate process or the static process. The characteristic of supporting system is as below:
withstand the heavy load and a certain vibration;
the bad working conditions with heavy dust.
Thus, when designing the support system, we need to consider not only that the roller grinding machine can continuous working, but also preventing dust enters.
Now, we introduce the crawler shoe support into the support system, as this support can withstand the heavy load weight of the roller body very well, and assure the stability when the roller body is rotating, and moreover, is very fit for improving the quality of the product. The adoption of the labyrinth seal

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