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发动机冷却外文]Combined cooling and heating using a gas
engine in a supermarket
G.G. Maidment
, X. Zhao b, S.B. Ri€at
School of Engineering Systems & Design, South Bank University, 103 Borough Road, London, SE1 0AA, UK
bSchool of the Built Environment, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK
Accepted 1 September 2000
This paper reports the results of an investigation into the practical and economic viability
of an integrated combined heating and cooling system in a supermarket. This system consists
of a direct-drive screw compressor, which is powered by a throttle controlled gas engine. The
waste heat from the engine is used to provide hot water for space heating and for general
usage within the catering and toilet facilities in the supermarket. In this paper, the working
principle of the novel system is ®rst described. This details how the gas engine system may be
integrated into the typical supermarket. The paper then describes a model, which is used to
simulate the energy consumption of the supermarket. This is used to calculate the energy
consumed by the conventional system and that used by a number of alternative combined
heating and cooling system con®gurations, which are also described. The additional capital
cost of each con®guration is estimated and this is used to calculate the payback period. The
results show that a payback period of 4.2 years may be achieved with a system that uses
approximately 500,000 kWh per annum less primary energy than a conventional system.
Finally, comparison between this system and a traditional Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
installation is given. # 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: CHP; Combined heat and power; Gas engine; Supermarket refrigeration
1. Introduction
Supermarkets are a large consumer of energy, using as much as 0.33% of the UKs
total consumption [1]. In the typical supermarket, electricity is consumed by lighting,

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