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蔡英杰, 姚立纲
(福州大学机械工程系, 辅 福州 350002)
摘要: 建立球面包络环面蜗杆传动的空间啮合理论体系, 推导了球面包络环面蜗杆的齿面方程. 完成了基
于 SolidWorks系统的蜗杆曲面的精确建模. 根据蜗杆齿廓形成原理, 提出了采用范成法飞刀粗切蜗杆齿形,
关键词: 球面包络环面蜗杆; 飞刀; 球头砂轮
中图分类号: TH132. 4 文献标识码: A
Research on tooth profile analyzing and manufactur ing
for roller ( ball) enveloping circular worm
CAI Ying- jie, YAO Li- gang
(Depar tment o f Mechanical Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzho u, Fujian 350002, China)
Abstract : The coordinate systemfor meshing theory analyzing of roller ( ball) conjugated wormdrive has
been set up and based on this c oordinate systemthe equat ion ofwormtooth profi le is induced. The accu2
rate modeling for worm tooth profi le is worked out with the software of SolidWorks. Based on the princi2
ple of worm towormwheel meshing, the envelopingmethods of manufacturing the worm by flyblade and
grinding the wormby ball end grinding wheel have been put forward. Final ly the manufacturing of the
worm has been also completed.
Keywor ds: bal l conjugated circular worm; flyblade; ball end grinding wheel
图1 球面包络环面蜗杆传动
Fig. 1 The ball conjugated wo rm drive
点已逐渐不适应现代机械传动的需求, 各种改进型
的蜗杆传动不断被提出. 其中球面包络环面蜗杆传
动以滚动摩擦代替滑动摩擦, 能显著提高传动效率
而受到人们格外关注[ 1, 2]
, 其结构如图1 所示. 蜗轮
齿形为球面, 即沿圆柱体侧面圆周均匀分布若干相
同的钢珠, 作为蜗轮. 而环面蜗杆的齿形与蜗轮球齿
齿面为空间共轭关系. 该传动的特点是滚珠与蜗杆
齿面之间为滚动摩擦, 降低了功率损失. 而蜗杆采用
弧面, 增大了同时啮合的齿数, 保证有足够的承载能
力. 本文对球面包络环面蜗杆齿形进行分析及加工
探讨. 为节省篇幅, 只写出主要的步骤和结论, 读者
可参阅文献[ 3] - [ 5] .
1 蜗杆齿面方程及三维造型

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