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MFG Training_W11

  • 该文件为pptx格式
  • 文件大小:144.08KB
  • 浏览次数
  • 发布时间:2012-05-20


Defect Free Manufacturing is a commitment by ATM to improve the quality of the Assembly and Test process. It establishes new business practices that ensure real-time review and response to quality issues. New subsystems designed to minimize manual handling and visual inspections across the A/T flow. This is to allow daily formal Yield review of module quality indicators, real time dog tool” identification and eliminate/contained own defects concept.

The reduction of manual handling implies that rejects or questionable units will continue to travel with the lot until they reach a segregation operation. Prior to DFM, the practice was to remove all rejects from the lot upon detection and back-fill with a coupon in process media.

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