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外文( Natio nal Key Lab of Vehicular T ransmission, Beijing Institute of Techno logy, Beijing 100081, China)
Abstract: Based on the r enormalization group theor y, a hy draulic torque conver ter 3 -D turbulent sing le flow pas -
sag e model is constructed and boundar y condition is determined for analy zing the influence of the fluid field char ac -
teristic and parameters on the macroscopic model. Numerical simulation of the single fluid path is processed by
computational fluid dynamics and the calculated results appro ach to ex perimental data w ell, and especially in low
transmission r at io the torque and head r esults are more close to ex perimental data t han the calculated results of
beam theory . This shows that the appropr iate ternar y analysis method and reasonable assumption of boundary
conditio n may analyze the flow fi eld more precisely and predict the performance of torq ue converter more accurately.
Key words: hydraulic torque converter; 3 -D fluid field; computat ional fluid dynamics
CLC number: U 463122 Document code: A Article ID: 1004 -0579( 2003) 02 - 0172 - 04
Received 2002 -05 - 21
Sponsored by the Nat ional Key Lab of Vehicular T ransmis sion Foundat i on
Biography YAN Qing -dong( 1964- ) , profes sor, Ph. D. , yanqingdong### 263. net .
Passage Model
T he fluid in the hydraulic torque converter nor -
lly is turbulence of high speed, and i t s 3 -D calcula -
n turbulent model is a 2 -equation k -Emodel that is
re mature, easier to convergent and the result of it
more precise. Operating modes of every vane w heel
hydraul ic converter are different each other. Con -
ering the passage of fluid mechanism w ith obvious
ture of anisotropy and severe geomet ric curvature
nsformat ion, RNG ( renormalization of group) k -E
del is recommended.
T he analyt ical method of RNG found by
danoff was w idely applied to analy ze the sel- f
ilar st ructure. Considering the sel- f similar feature
ssue, w e can change i t s scale and in larg e scale w e
see clearly the phenomenon that is not clear in the
all one. Yakhot and Orszag
[ 1]
theoret ically derived
RNG k -E2 -equation model w ithout depending on
1 Governing Equation
T he uni form equat ion for steady incompressible
turbulent flow is
#( Q u<- # <
<) S<
, ( 1
w here
uc i
, # <

L t / R k
Lt/ R E


- p j L( uc i , j ) , j
Pk- Q E
Pk- c2QE 2
The convection item is #( Q u<) , diffusion ite
is #( # <
<) , source i tem is S<
, turbulent kine
energy rate is Pk - Quiuj
ui , j .
The RNG model in the paper correct s c1
source item of diffusion equat ion, and w e have
c1 1142- G( 1- G/ G] ) / ( 1 B G3
) .
112 Equation Discretization
In the paper the computational fluid dynam
( CFD) is based on FEM plat form, so according

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