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NiMo太阳光谱选择性吸收涂层的制备与性能研究  [ 摘 要]  以自制Ni Mo 团聚型复合粉末为喷涂原料, 采用超音速火焰喷涂法制得Ni Mo 太阳光谱选择性
吸收涂层, 表征了复合粉末和涂层的表面形貌,涂层的组成元素、 相组成和光学性能, 研究了粉末粒径大孝 涂层
组分比例和表面处理对涂层选择性吸收性能的影响♂果表明: 当所用复合粉末粒径r  45 m, 粉末中 Ni, Mo
质量比为7 3 时, 制备的涂层选择性吸收性能较好, 涂层由Ni, Mo和N iO 三相组成,其表面为微不平漫射表面;
将该涂层研磨处理至其表面粗糙度R a 为2. 156 m时,涂层选择性吸收性能较佳, 吸收率为 0. 84,发射率 为
0. 16;再在表面加镀减反层后,增加至0. 92,大幅提高了太阳光利用率。
[关键词]  超音速火焰喷涂; 太阳能; 选择性吸收; NiMo 涂层
[中图分类号] T G174. 442; T K519    [文献标识码] A    [ 文章编号] 1001 3660( 2011) 02002105
Study on Preparation and Performance of Ni Mo Solar Selective Absorption Coatings
1, 2
, CHENG Xudong
1, 2
, WAN Qian
1, 2
, MA Tao
, WANG Tao
( 1. State Key Laboratory of Advanced T echno logy for Mater ials Synthesis and Pro gressing ,
Wuhan U niversi ty of T echno logy , Wuhan 430070, China;
2. Material Science and Eng ineer ing College, Wuhan U niversi ty of T echno logy , Wuhan 430070, China)
[Abstract]  Ni Mo solar select ive absorption coat ings were prepared from selfmade Ni Mo aggregat e composi t e
pow der us ing H VOF method. T he surface morphology, phas e composi t ion, element s and opt ical perf ormance of the
coat ings were charact erized and analyzed respect ively. And the influence of powder part icle size, proportion of coat ing
composition and surface treatment on the select ive absorption properties of coatings were studied. T he resul t s show that
when diameters of composi t e powder are smaller or equal t o 45  m and the mass rat io of Ni and M o in the powder is 7 3,
the coat ing obt ained ex hibi t s bet ter select ive absorption propert ies. T he coating consists of Ni , Mo and NiO, w hose sur
f ace is a slightly rough and diffuse surface. When the surface roughness ( Ra) is 2. 156  m through grinding process, the
coat ing shows excel lent performance with a s olar absorptance (  ) of 0. 84 and a thermal emitt ance (  ) of 0. 16. And
adding an anti reflection layer on t op of i t enhances the ut il izat ion of sunlight , which makes the sample reach a s olar ab
s orpt ance of 0. 92.
[Key words]  HVOF; s olar energy; select ive absorpt ion; Ni Mo coat ing
[ 收稿日期] 2011 01 13; [修回日期] 2011 03 04
[ 基金项目] 国家高技术研究发展计划( 863 计划, 2009AA05Z440)
[ 作者简介] 王辉( 1985- ) , 男,湖北武汉人,硕士生, 主攻太阳能涂层技术。
  自20 世纪 50 年代以来, 太阳能光谱选择性吸收
究课题,国内外众多学者在选择性吸收涂层的材料、 结
构及制备工艺方面做了大量工作[ 1]
是在紫外可见近红外太阳光谱范围内( 0. 3 2. 5
m)有较高的吸收率,在中红外光谱范围内( 2. 5 25
m)有较低的发射率 。按照结构和吸收机理,光谱选
择性吸收涂层可分为半导体涂层、 光干涉涂层、 多层渐
变涂层、 金属陶瓷涂层与微不平表面型涂层[ 2- 3]
, 其
制备方法包括真空镀膜法[ 4]
(真空蒸发、 磁控溅射等)、
电化学法[ 5]
( 电镀法、 铝阳极氧化法等)、 涂料涂覆
法[ 6]
、 化学转化法[ 7]
、 化学气相沉积法[ 8]
法[ 9]
等。目前普遍采用磁控溅射和电化学方法, 制得
度低, 抗热冲击性能较差,且溅射法成本过高, 生产效

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