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数字信号处理的FPGA实现(第三版英文的)In computer arithmetic two fundamental design principles are of great impor-tance: number representation and the implementation of algebraic operations
[25, 26, 27, 28, 29]. We will first discuss possible number representations,
(e.g., fixed-point or floating-point), then basic operations like adder and mul-tiplier, and finally efficient implementation of more difficult operations such
as square roots, and the computation of trigonometric functions using the
CORDIC algorithm or MAC calls.
FPGAs allow a wide variety of computerarithmetic implementations for
the desired digital signal processing algorithms, because of the physical bit-level programming architecture. This contrasts with the programmable dig-ital signal processors (PDSPs), with the fixed multiply accumulator core.
Careful choice of the bit width in FPG

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