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  • 发布时间:2012-12-14


Usually the meaning of efficiency is to run a process by consuming minimum resources while still generating the optimum output or to
utilize more power with the same amount of resources. Examples are recuperator for reheating furnaces or less consumption of fossil energy
due to improved technology.
The electric arc furnace process consumes a huge amount of resources such as electrical and chemical energy (oxygen, natural gas, oil,
carbon) but also cooling water to melt metal. It is a very energy-intensive process.
The challenge is to optimize the arc furnace process in such a way that for given frame conditions the maximum output can be achieved with
minimum consumption of resources.
The maximum output or productivity can be achieved by using the maximum available electrical power and chemical energy input (e.g.
oxygen, gas, alloys). The more power is put into the EAF, the faster the metal will be molten. The question is, how much of the energy input
is really melting the metal and how much is wasted. To be efficient the waste part of the equation has to be minimized.
The most efficient energy input is reached by decreasing all the losses during operation to a minimum. From the operational view losses can
be divided into losses during arcing times and POFF-times of the furnace i.e. the losses during tapping, turnaround and charging (set-up-times).
In this paper the main focus is laid on the PON-time, though POFF-times also depend on different variables which can be optimized by
decreasing delay times, decrease charging times i.e. by increasing crane speed or optimization of the turnaround times.
The PON-times are described by different variables like furnace type, transformer power, input material and injection tools and the
optimized operation of the whole system. For reaching the optimum performance the electrical but also the chemical energy input must b

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