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In order to adapt to the engineering of the multi-channel vibration data storage and accurate in- quires. A complete set of a test bed vibration data stored query virtual instrument system based on Lab- VIEW TDMS (technical data management streaming)data was logically designed and implemented. This system can through the manual storage and alarm automatic trigger storage, two ways for fast multi-chan- nel, multi-type massive data storage. At the same time, also has the channel to designated type data ac- curate inquiry, export and print function, etc. The monitoring system developed set of performance and control interface both in the context of a model test bed reference for similar engineering practice.为了适应工程中多通道振动数据的快速存储和准确查询。基于LabVIEW的TDMS(technicaldatamanagementstreaming)数据逻辑方式,设计实现了一套完整的某试车台振动数据存储查询虚拟仪器系统。该系统可以通过手动存储和报警自动触发存储两种方式对多通道、多类型海量数据进行快速存储。同时,还具有对指定通道指定类型数据的准确查询、导出以及打印功能等。在某型号试车台背景下开发出来的这套性能和操控界面兼备的监测系统,对于类似工程实践具有一定的借鉴意义。

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