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  • 发布时间:2014-03-06


The paper studies design of state observer rubbing rotor-box seal chaotic system with nonlinear seal force and airflow induced force. Based on chaotic feedback system, the authors offer parametric expressions of rubbing rotor-box seal chaotic system from Brunovsky state format. These parameters are all input parameters and control rules,which are replaced with reconstruction state of controlled chaotic system. We can adjust the system to normal state by reasonably choosing control rules. With numerical calculation and emulational results, the paper demonstrates that it is an availability way that normal state is adjusted from chaotic system in confusion by the state observer and offers an academic gist for machine theoretics design and dynamic monitoring.研究了在非线性密封力和气流激振力作用下,转子-机匣密封碰摩混沌系统的状态观测器设计问题。基于状态观测器理论的混沌反馈控制设计方法,给出了转子-机匣密封碰摩混沌系统的状态观测器的Brunovsky状态空间形式参数化表达式,其所含参量为被控系统的混沌状态用重构状态代替后的全部输入参数和控制律,可通过适当选择控制律将系统调整到正常的工作状态,通过数值计算和仿真结果,表明本文所提出的状态观测器方法可以将由外界干扰引起的系统碰摩混沌状态有效的调整到正常工作状态,为旋转机械的理论设计和动态监测提供了一种理论依据。

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