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  • 发布时间:2014-03-07


A real-time test system for measurement of dynamic oil film pressure of sliding beatings was designed. The working principle of the PVDF piezoelectric-film sensor was analyzed and researched experimentally. The method of signal processing was designed and the corresponding signal-display software was programmed. The experiment of real-time measurement of the dynamic oil film pressure of the sliding bearing was conducted through installing the PVDF piezoelectric- film sensors into the sliding beating of the Bently rotor testing bench. The dynamic pressure signals were obtained and analyzed. Result of the experiment indicates that the PVDF piezoelectric-film sensor has good sensitivity, stability and repeatability, and can accurately acquire the dynamic oil film pressure signal. Therefore, it can be used for real- time measurement of the dynamic oil film pressure of sliding beatings.针对滑动轴承的动态油膜压力的实时直接测量,设计一种滑动轴承动态油膜压力实时测量系统。分析聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)压电薄膜传感器的工作原理,实验测定了传感器的性能特点,并设计相应的信号调理方法和信号显示软件编制。通过将PVDF压电薄膜传感器安装于Bently转子实验台的滑动轴承中,实时测量转子作用在轴承上的动态压力,讨论分析了动态压力信号。实验表明,PVDF压电薄膜具有较好的灵敏度、稳定性及重复性,能够有效地获得动态油膜压力信号,可应用于滑动轴承动态油膜压力的实时测量。

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