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  • 发布时间:2014-03-07
The impact tests of a steel bearing ball on 40 Cr testing samples were carried out on a self-made impact test rig under a dry contact and the contacts of two lubricants, respectively. The impact dent was measured by a surface profiler and a SEM. The results show that using high viscosity oil, the dent can be effectively protected from plastic deformation and impact wear if the lubricant is supplied fully. However, if the lubricant is not supplied fully, a long and sharp local dent is produced in the impact dent, resulting in further damage to the metal. Under the dry contact condition, only fewer small spherical particles can be found in the dent while with oil lubrication, especially with highly viscous starved oil lubrication, clusters of the spherical particles of uneven size appear.在干接触和2种不同黏度的润滑油润滑下,在自制冲击试验机上,使用轴承钢球对40Cr钢试件表面进行冲击实验,采用表面形貌仪及扫描电镜分析实验后试件表面的冲击凹坑的形貌。结果表明,高黏度润滑油在充分供油条件下会明显抑制试件塑性变形和冲击磨损,而供油不充分时,冲击凹坑内部会产生狭长的局部深坑,对金属造成进一步的破坏。干接触条件下冲击凹坑中有少量球形颗粒出现,而有油润滑时,尤其是高黏度油润滑并出现乏油现象时,球形颗粒会成簇出现,而且大小不均。
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