
Accurate vision measurement for kinematic parameters of satellite separation tests

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  • 发布时间:2014-03-07


The accurate measurement of kinematic parameters in satellite separation tests has great significance in evaluating separation performance. A novel study is made on the measuring accuracy of monocular and binocular, which are the two main vision measurement methods used for kinematic parameters. As satellite separation process is transient and high-dynamic, it will bring more extraction errors to the binocular. Based on the design approach of intersection measure and variance ratio, the monocular method reflects higher precision, simpler structure and easier calibration for level satellite separation. In ground separation tests, a high-speed monocular system is developed to gain and analyze twelve kinematic parameters of a small satellite. Research shows that this monocular method can be widely applied for its high precision, with position accuracy of 0.5 mm, speed accuracy of 5 mm/s, and angular velocity accuracy of 1 (°)/s.

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