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Based on analyzing the existing Ackerman steering principle and trapezoidal steering mechanism, it is impossible completely conform to the Ackerman Steering Principle. A kind of steering mechanism was described which front and rear steering was driven by gear rack mechanism and left and right steering was driven by the cam-linkage combined mechanism. The software Matlab was used to carry on mathematical modeling analysis mechanism, and the cam contour line was drawn out by the reverse. Two kinds of models of the steering mechanism were established. A kind of steering mechanism which is made up of two gear rack mechanism and a grooved cam-linkage combined mechanism is selected depending on optimal analysis.在分析了阿克曼转向原理的基础上,通过对现有的梯形转向机构进行分析,指出其不能完全满足阿克曼转向原理。提出了一种前后轮转向由齿轮齿条机构驱动,左右轮转向由凸轮-连杆组合式机构驱动的转向机构,并运用MATLAB软件对机构进行数学建模分析,通过反求,绘出所用凸轮的轮廓线。建立了两种不同形式的转向机构模型,经过分析优选出1种由2个齿轮齿条机构和1个沟槽式盘形凸轮-连杆组合机构组成的转向机构。

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