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  • 发布时间:2014-03-10


To obtain the distribution of residual stress field of metal surface after shot blasting, this paper establishes a pill-target model of shot blasting process simulation based on finite element platform and discusses and simulates the setting of boundary conditions and contact conditions and parameters to be controlled preferentially in calculation. The result shows that this model can effectively simulate the process of shot blasting and its result is consistent with the traditional theoretical method, but it has richer data. Both results show that the increase of impact velocity and pill size and the selection of pill material with a higher density can effectively improve the effect of shot blasting.探讨喷丸之后金属表面的残余应力场的分布情况。基于有限元平台,建立喷丸工艺模拟的弹丸一靶材模型,讨论了边界条件、接触条件的设置以及在计算中需优先控制的参数并进行模拟。结果表明,该模型可以有效地对喷丸过程进行模拟,其结果与传统的理论方法具有一致性而数据更为丰富。两者结果均表明,通过增大冲击速度和弹丸尺寸以及选择密度较大的弹丸材料可以有效地改善喷丸效果。

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