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  • 发布时间:2014-03-11
In production process of cigarette filter rod,the common problems include the fluctuation of the stability of quality index such as hardness and pressure drop,and the jam of transmission pipeline due to glue infiltration which would lead to shutdown.The stability of quality index has been improved by using the tow balancing machine,the tow guide roller and new type nozzle;a kind of dredging device has been used to clear the glue dirt existing in transmission pipeline of filter rod.The application results explained that the qualified rate of hardness and pressure drop have been improved from 72.04% to 95.64%,and 92.12% to 95.41% respectively;the shutdown times due to pipeline jam have been reduced from 6.23 per day to 3 per month.在卷烟滤棒生产过程中,滤棒质量指标尤其是硬度和压降值波动较大,且因高透滤棒渗胶常导致发射管道堵塞,造成停机故障.经过采用丝束平衡机、导丝辊、新型送丝喷嘴等对丝束控制方式进行改进,提高了滤棒质量指标的稳定性.同时研制出一种管道疏通器,可定期对发射管道壁胶垢进行清理,减少管道堵塞.应用结果表明,改进后滤棒硬度合格率从72.04提高到95.64,滤棒压降合格率从92.12提高到95.4l,因发射管道堵塞造成的停机故障由原来的6.23次/天下降为3次/月.
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