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The influence of reciprocating frequency on the sliding friction behavior of two kinds of C/C composites against GCr steel ball was investigated on a UMT-3 tester at 40 N. The results show that the coefficient of friction (COF) of the two C/C composites increases firstly with increasing the sliding frequency until it reaches the maximum at 400 r/min, and then the COF shows a similar linear decline except some fluctuation generated under 1 200 r/min. The COF of the composites with rough lamination pyrocarbon/resin carbon matrix (RL/RC) is larger than that of the composites with smooth lamination pyrocarbon (SL) matrix at the same sliding frequency. The COFs of the RL/RC-composites are in the range of 0.183-0.063, while those of the SL-composites are 0.150-0.059. The COFs of all the samples become more and more stable with increasing time. The results of Raman spectrum detection show that the graphitization of micro-worn-area composites with SL increases with increasing the reciprocating frequency. SEM images show that the worn surfaces of the two C/C composites change from smooth surface to rough surface with more plough-worn grooves.制备了两种具有不同基体炭类型的C/C复合材料,测试其与GCr钢在40N时配副时的往复式摩擦行为。结果表明:随滑动频率的增加,两种试样的摩擦因数先增加,均在400r/min时达到最大,之后除在l200r/min时略有反弹外,基本表现出线性下降趋势。在相同频率下,具有光滑层结构热解炭基体材料(SL)的摩擦凶数低于另一种具有粗糙层结构热解炭和树脂炭混合基体(RL/RC)材料的。其中,RL/RC基体材料的摩擦因数在0.183~0.063之间;而SL基体材料的摩擦因数在0.150~0.059之间。随时间的延长,所有试样的摩擦因数均逐渐趋于稳定。Raman检测结果表明,随滑动频率增大,材料摩擦表面的微区石墨化度增加。但SEM形貌表明,随滑动频率增大,材料摩擦表面形貌由光滑变得粗糙,磨粒磨损加剧。

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