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  • 发布时间:2014-03-11
Entire elongation and weld line movement were defined to evaluate tensile properties of tailor-welded blanks(TWBs) respectively.Under different initial weld locations,the analytical models were developed to evaluate the entire elongation and the weld line movement of TWBs.To validate the analytical models,finite element analysis(FEA) and experiments were performed to investigate the influences of initial weld locations on the entire elongation and the weld line movement.The results show that the analytical results have a good agreement with the experiment and the simulation results.The entire elongation and the weld line movement increase linearly with the weld line moving closer to the stronger side of TWBs,and the variation rate depends on the material parameters and thickness of base sheets.Based on the proposed analytical model,the major influencing factors of the entire elongation and the weld line movement as well as their effects on tensile properties of TWBs can be revealed.分别定义综合伸长率和焊缝移动量来量化拼焊板单向拉伸行为。在不同焊缝初始位置条件下,分别建立了焊缝位置对综合伸长率和焊缝移动量影响的解析模型。为验证解析模型的正确性,采用有限元和实验法获得了焊缝位置对综合伸长率和焊缝移动的影响规律。结果表明,解析模型预测结果与实验、有限元结果相一致,综合伸长率和焊缝移动量都随着焊缝位置向拼焊板强侧移动而线性地增大,增大的速率取决于拼焊板的母材材料参数和厚度。解析模型揭示出综合伸长率和焊缝移动量影响因素及焊缝初始位置对拼焊板单向拉伸行为的影响规律。
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