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  • 发布时间:2014-03-11


In order to provide a stable working temperature for giant magnetostrictive actuator( GMA), thereby ensuring its high-precise-out- put, aiming at improving the thermal efficiency of traditional temperature controlling method, a novel high thermal efficiency temperature con- trolling method as well as a new chuck-style thermal structure, were proposed for flexure type GMA on the basis of direct liquid cooling prin- ciple. Simulation results show that the novel direct liquid cooling method with multi-layer oil tunnels could provide a temperature disturbance range of ±0.02 ℃ for giant magnetostrictive material (GMM) compared with previous results of ±0.4 %-±0.5 % by the traditional method, and the novel temperature controlling method and thermal structure will shed light on further application research and development utilizing GMM.摘要:为了给超磁致伸缩执行器(GMA)提供恒温的工作环境以保证输出精度,针对传统间接冷却温控系统热效率较低的问题,基于直接液体冷却原理,提出了一种可应用于弯曲型微位移执行器的新型高热效率GMA温控方法,及提出了新型的卡盘式温控腔体结构。仿真结果表明,多层油道的直接冷却温控方法将磁致伸缩材料(GMM)的温升范围由传统间接冷却温控方式的±O.4℃~±0.5℃提升到±0.02℃之内,新的温控方法和热结构为GMM材料进一步的开发和应用研究提供了设计方向和依据。

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