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  • 发布时间:2014-03-14
Objective The sliding friction coefficient is a critical parameter in calculating the velocity of electric two-wheelers from the sliding distance in rollover accidents.The range of sliding friction coefficient of electric two-wheelers as they slide along the road after rollover is studied experimentally in order to provide data for calculating the velocity of electric two-wheelers in traffic accident reconstruction.Method Based on the comprehensive analysis of factors which influence the sliding friction coefficient of electric two-wheelers,an orthogonal experiment was designed to measure the coefficient.Two-wheelers(electric bicycles and electric motorcycles) were dragged on wet and dry asphalt concrete road and cement concrete road with different velocities.Results Experimental data shows that the sliding friction coefficient ranges from 0.40 to 0.60.Conclusion A reliable range of sliding friction coefficient is provided for electric two-wheelers in traffic accident reconstruction.目的两轮车侧翻倒地后的滑行摩擦系数是利用两轮车碰撞后倒地滑行距离进行速度计算的关键参数,论文通过试验研究提出用于道路交通事故速度计算的电动两轮车侧翻倒地滑动摩擦系数。方法在综合分析电动两轮车侧倒滑行摩擦系数影响因素的基础上,利用正交试验设计摩擦系数实验方案,并采用实车牵引的方法,在不同速度条件下,分别在干燥、潮湿的沥青混凝土路面及水泥混凝土路面上进行实验。结果实验所得数据显示,电动两轮车侧翻倒地滑动摩擦系数的范围为0.40~0.60。结论通过对所得数据进行处理,提出适用于电动两轮车交通事故再现的摩擦系数范围。
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