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International Electrotechnieal Commission revises the IEC60601-1 third edition. For the medical diagnostic table damic load test is the new requirement to simulate the patient sitting down in iEC60601-1 third edition, In eompliance with the new requirement, Wedo dynamic load tes to simulative, mass and human body and find ovload factor of simulative mass is more than human body s. then we analyze the reason why two experiment methods having different overload factor, finally we put forward a new substitutive static load method and roide Pne experime xampl for One edical diagnostic table By using the and decrease the equip ent oer strength desi and decrease the table's cost i stae load te can b a reference for ail the medic diagnostic tables.国际电工委员会推出国际标准IEC60601-1第三版,其中对医疗诊疗床部分,新增模拟病人落座时的动态载荷测试要求。本文针对这一新要求,对模拟质量块和人体跌落在诊疗床上所产生的动态载荷进行试验,发现模拟质量块跌落的动态载荷过载系数远远高于人体跌落的过载系数,同时分析2种试验方法动态载荷过载系数差异大的原因,进而提出一种新的静载荷试验替代方法,给出一款医疗诊疗床静载荷试验替代法的试验实例。采用这种新的静载荷试验替代方法,可以模拟人体落座时的动态载荷,减少采用模拟质量块跌落试验所需要的大型设备试验费用,且避免过强度设计,从而降低诊疗床成本,对各种医疗诊疗床都有一定的参考价值。

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