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  • 发布时间:2014-03-16


Based on the lumped mass method, the dynamic model of torque-split face gear transmission system is built, including the torsional vibration. The stiffness matrix and the mass matrix are performed, and the natural frequency of the system is solved. The influence of the torsional stiffness of the input shaft and the face gear shaft, and the meshing stiffness of the face gear on the system is studied. The result shows that the stiffness of the input shaft and the face gear shaft has great influence on the natural fre- quency of the system' s high level natural frequency, and the meshing stiffness of the face gear has great influence on the system' s low level natural frequency.基于集中质量法,建立了面齿轮传动分扭系统的动力学模型,模型中考虑了系统的扭转振动自由度。列出了系统的刚度矩阵和质量矩阵,求出了系统的各阶固有频率,分析了输入轴和面齿轮轴的扭转刚度以及面齿轮啮合刚度对系统固有频率的影响。结果表明,输入轴和面齿轮轴的扭转刚度对系统的高阶固有频率有较大的影响,面齿轮平均啮合刚度对系统的低阶固有频率有较大的影响。

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