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Actually,when an eccentric cam rotates around a fixed axis,it is the geometric center of eccentric cam that moves in simple harmonic motion(sine/cosine motion),under certain conditions,the components(such as piston) driven by the eccentric cam do not move in the same simple harmonic motion,therefore some problems,such as the change in pressure,can be caused when double eccentric cams are applied in some process equipment.Therefore,on the basis of analysis of the motions of the double eccentric cams used in process intensification equipment,the causes that the motions of the two pistons driven by the eccentric cams are not completely symmetrical and this may cause the pressure in the equipment to change is found out,and the relevant solutions are proposed.当偏心转子绕定轴旋转时,实际上只有其几何圆心作简谐振动(正/余弦运动),某些情况下由转子驱动的构件(如活塞)并不能作同样的简谐振动,因此在一些过程设备上应用双偏心转子时,会引起一些相关问题,如压力变化问题。为此,在分析一种过程强化装置中所采用的双偏心转子的运动规律的基础上,发现了由于偏心转子所驱动的两活塞的运动不完全对称,可能引起设备内介质压力变化的原因,并提出了相应的解决措施。

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