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  • 发布时间:2014-03-18
针对常规传动方式在径向空间较小情况下难以实现同轴旋转运动的变速功能,提出了一种基于圆柱凸轮的同轴变速传动机构。以变焦距镜头的结构为基础,结合使用两个圆柱凸轮,在主、从动凸轮上开出螺旋线槽,使从动凸轮螺旋线槽导程为主动凸轮螺旋线槽导程的n倍,从而实现速比为n的变速传动。对机构的传动效率和传动精度进行分析,得出主动凸轮螺旋线槽的螺旋升角与传动效率和传动精度的关系及相关规律。在实验室对机构的传动精度进行了测试,结果表明其速比精度在1.6以内。此机构结构紧凑,能够自锁且精度较高。 As conventional transmission mechanism is difficult to realize coaxial rotation transmission in a narrow radial space,a coaxial transmission mechanism based on cylindrical cams is proposed.On the basis of the structure of a lens,the transmission mechanism is combined by two cylindrical cams,and one is initiative cam and the other is passive cam.Spiral slots are opened on the surface of both cams.When the spiral lead of the passive cam is n times that of initiative cam,the transmission mechanism can offer a transmission ratio of n.Transmission efficiency and transmission accuracy are analyzed and the relation between the angle of initiative cam's spiral slot and the transmission efficiency and transmission accuracy is discussed.An experiment is performed to test transmission accuracy,which shows the transmission ratio accuracy is less than 1.6%.Obtained mechanism has compact structure,high accuracy and can be locked automatically.
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