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  • 发布时间:2014-03-18


为了提高磨齿机的可靠性和齿轮的加工质量,对磨齿机磨削精度的特点进行了分析,并简述了常见故障模式的特点。采用故障树分析(FTA)方法对公法线超差、齿面光洁度差和齿形超差3个故障模式进行了故障原因的逐层分解,找出了造成故障的根本原因。以齿形超差为例进行了故障树的定量分析,并计算了齿形超差的发生概率。按发生概率的大小对底事件进行了重要度排序,并对重要度较高的事件提出了可靠性控制措施。 In order to improve the reliability and the gear processing quality of gear grinding machines, the characteristics of grinding accuracy were analyzed and features of the common fault models were introduced. The fault tree analysis (FTA) method was used to search and decompose layer by layer the root reasons of items out of tolerance, including common normal line, tooth surface fin- ish differential and tooth shape. By using the teeth shape out of tolerance for example, a quantitative analysis was made to the fault tree, and the probability of top event was calculated. The importance sequence is completed according to the probability of bottom e- vents by sizes, meanwhile, reliability control measures are put forward for events with higher important degree.

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