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  • 发布时间:2014-03-18


基于两相流基本理论,采用Fluent建立油气润滑系统水平管路中油气两相流的模型,并分析形成环状流的条件。在此基础上,提出新的供油方式,即在润滑油区域有~微小间隙,使压缩空气可直接穿过润滑油中间的空隙;分析新供油方式下形成环状流的条件。结果表明,新的供油方式下油气形成环状流的效率高,环状流液膜均匀性好;在相同供油量情况下,新供油方式形成环状流需要的入口气相速度低,且气速增大时一般不会形成夹带液滴,能够实现较好的环状流流型。 According to the basic theory of two phase flows ,the model of the two phase flows in the horizontal pipe of the oil-gas lubrication system was established by the Fluent software to analyze the shaping process of the oil-gas annular flow in the oil-gas lubrication system. The condition of shaping the oil-gas annular flow in the system was found, a new oil sup- ply style with a small gap at oil district was put forward, and its condition of shaping the oil-gas annular flow was found. Results show that with the same oil amount, the new oil supply style needs a lower gas velocity in the inlet to shape the an- nular flow, and the oil drops will not appear in air flow. The new oil supply style has a more efficiency shaping process and a more even of the annular flow than the old one.

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