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  • 发布时间:2014-03-21


为研究铜钛硅碳石墨合金材料摩擦磨损性能,通过常规的粉末冶金方法制备了铜钛硅碳石墨材料。对样品硬度等性能的测试,选择出87u的最优配方。再用无流磨损和载流磨损实验测试其摩擦磨损性能,进而通过扫描电镜对磨损表面进行观察,探讨摩擦磨损机理。结果表明,无流磨损过程中,磨损量呈线性增长,磨损的主要形式为梨削;载流磨损过程中,磨损量呈非线性增长,随着行程的增加,磨损率降低,磨损的主要形式有梨削和电弧烧损,磨损率降低可能是杂质Al相弥散强化铜基体所致,其微观机理是一个复杂的各种机理的组合。 Titanium silicon carbide (Ti3 SIC2) possesses a unique combination of properties of both metals and ce- ramics, for it is thermally shock resistant, thermally and electrically conductive, damage tolerant, lightweight, highly oxidation resistant, elastically stiff, and mechanically machinable. Cu/Ti3SiC2/C composites samples were formed by cold pressing at 300MPa and by hot sintering in a hydrogen atmosphere. Cu/Ti3 SiC2/C sample which contain 87% Cu was chose to finish friction-wear test because of its highest hardness and structuralho- mogenity. The tests were conducted with a specially designed sliding apparatus and worn surfaces of the material were analyzed by optical microscope and SEM. The conclusion is that the wear loss without current-carrying demonstrate a linear growth process and wear mechanism is mainly abrasive wear and plowing wear;but the cur- rent-carrying wear loss demonstrate a nonlinear growth process and there are mainly abrasive wear and arc ero- sion wear. Wear rate have reduced because of dispersion-strengthening by impurity A1203. Wear mechanism is complex combination by abrasive wear, plowing wear, arc erosion wear and dispersion-strengthening. It also pro- vides principle for designing suitable sliding counter parts for the current collection device.

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