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  • 发布时间:2014-03-21


通过分析2ZY-1型偏心圆盘指夹式幼苗移栽机栽植机构的运动规律,设计了VisualBasic程序分析栽植轨迹,结合VB中对轨迹参数的输入、输出数据,得出适合移栽的较理想栽植机构相关参数范围,通过对烟草幼苗的栽植试验分析,得出在吊杯数为4个、转速为11.25r/min、回转半径为0.360m的情况下,特征参数λ取1.125时,有利于提高栽植质量和满足农艺要求。 By analyzing the motion law of the planting device of eccentric disc and finger clip pattern transplanting machine 2ZY-1, a kind of VB program for the planting device is designed to analyze the plant trajectory. An ideal parameter range of planting device suitable for transplanting can be obtained by analyzing theoretical VB track produced from input and output data of parameters. Then, through the analysis of the experimental data, it was found that when the crane cup number is 4, the speed is 11.25 r/min, turning radius of the crane cup is 0.360 m and the λ equals to 1.125, the quality of planting could be improved and the agricultural needs could be met.

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