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  • 发布时间:2014-03-21


在回顾油气润滑系统国内外发展历程的基础上,对进入21世纪以来油气润滑系统的发展现状作了综合评述,说明油气润滑系统的理论研究逐步深入,集成方式不断完善,应用场合继续延伸,尤其是与计算机技术、传感检测技术的有机结合,使其在自动化程度、润滑可靠性等方面有了长足的进步。对油气润滑系统的发展前景进行了预测,指出特殊条件下气液两相流体环状流型形成机制、润滑点最佳供油量、系统高可靠性将是未来的发展方向。 On the basis of review of oil-air lubrication system development at home and abroad, the present situation of oil-air lubrication system development in 21 st century was summarized. As the research of the theory of oil-air lubrication system deepening, the system forms constantly are improved, applications are extended, especially organically combining with computer technology, sensor and testing technology, oil-air lubrication system has significant progress in automation degree and lubrication reliability. The development prospects of oil-air lubrication system was predicted. The formation of oil-air two phase flow under special conditions, the optimum oil supply of lubricating points and high reliability of oil-air lubricating system will be development directions in the future.

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