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  • 发布时间:2014-03-22


为了提高超精密机电系统的运动精度,隔离环境振动对其运:叻性能的影响,超精密机电系统广泛应用了高性能的超精密隔振系统。隔振系统通常由若干个性能一致的隔振器组成,如果各个隔振器的性能不能完全一致,则会导致负载的多自由度运动耦合,影响隔振系统的隔振性能。针对该问题,以隔振器等边三角形排布的隔振系统为例,研究隔振系统刚度分布对其隔振性能的影响,通过建立隔振系统动力学模型,得到各种刚度分布情况下特定点的频响曲线,分析曲线随刚度分布变化的规律,提出一种基于激励一响应的隔振系统刚度分布的测试方法。 High pertormance vibration isolation systems have been being widely applied in ultraprecision electro mechanical systems to prevent from the environmental vibration, and consequently to improve accuracy. Usually, a vibration isolation system composes several individual components(vibration isolators, oi VIs for short) which are assumed to share the same structural and dynamic parameters to implement prefect motion decoupling in all motion directions, so as to simplify design of their active controllers. However, such prerequisiteis not always well - satisfied due to manufacturing and runtime errors,leading to incomplete motion coupling,thus affecting the performance of vibration isolation systems. This paper deliberate the influences of stiffness distribution of VIs quantitatively based on the excitation response method. By modeling dynamics of a vibration isolation system with three VIs spatially arranged at equilateral triangle form, an approach to analysis and test stiffness distribution is proposed based on the freuency response curves excited at one specific point,and a set of judging rules of stiffness distribution is obtained.

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