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氧化铝陶瓷刀具材料具有硬度高、耐磨性好、高温性能优良、抗黏结和抗扩散能力强、化学稳定性好等特点,广泛应用于高速切削和切削难加工材料领域。从陶瓷材料晶粒尺寸与摩擦学性能相关性、复相氧化铝陶瓷材料的摩擦学性能和氧化铝陶瓷的磨损机制3个方面,综述氧化铝陶瓷材料摩擦学研究进展,以期为新型高品质氧化铝陶瓷刀具材料的开发提供帮助。细化晶粒和组分复合化是提高陶瓷材料的强度和断裂韧性,进而提升其摩擦学性能的有效途径,但目前氧化铝陶瓷摩擦学研究主要是基于晶粒尺寸为600nm以上的单相陶瓷和基体晶粒尺寸为1μm左右的复相陶瓷材料,对纳米/超细晶(500nm以下)氧化铝陶瓷材料的研究是未来的研究方向。 Ceramic tool materials possess many characteristics, such as high hardness, good abrasion resistance, excellent performances in high temperature, diffusion and adhesion resistance, and good chemical stability, which are more and more widely used in the field of high speed cutting and hard-cutting materials. The tribological research progress of alumina ceramic materials were summarized based on the relativity between the grain size of ceramic materials and their tribological properties, tribological performance of alumina ceramic composite and wear mechanism of alumina ceramic material, which was expected to provide reference for the development of new high quality alumina ceramic cutting tool materials. The grain size refinement and component composite is a good way to improve the strength and fracture toughness, the tribological properties of ceramic material. Now the mainly research on the tribological properties of alumina ceramic are grain size above 600 nm single-phase ceramic or matrix grain size about 1μm composite ceramic,the future research direction is on the nano/ultrafine (below 500 nm) alumina ceramic.

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