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  • 发布时间:2014-03-23


为了揭示钻头、钻柱系统的复杂振动现象,摸清井下工具的工作动态,避免异常振动带来的损害,必须进行井下振动测量工具的开发和应用。在多坐标系钻柱运动分析模型的基础上,建立了井下振动的运动和测量方程,证明通过安装三轴加速度计可以进行多种形式的井下振动测量和分析,并且给出跳钻、黏滑、横向振动(冲击)和涡动等异常振动情况判断分析方法,为井下振动测量工具的开发及井下振动分析发展提供理论支持。 In order to understand the complicated vibration of drill bit and drill string system, to analyze the dynamic performance of downhole tools, and to avoid damage by abnormal vibration, it is necessary to develop a set of vibration measurement tool for downhole environment. By establishing the kinetic and analytic model of multi-coordinate axis, a dynamic equation and a measurement equation were established respectively which proved that a 3-axis accelerometer is able to measure and analyze various vibration of the system. And a set of methods to judge and analyze abnormal vibration were deduced, such as bit bounce, stick-slip, lateral vibration (shock), and whirl. The analytic results provided strong theoretic support for the research and development of downhole vibration measurement tool and downhole vibration analysis.

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