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  • 发布时间:2014-03-23


针对具有初始弯曲转子系统的动平衡,提出一种基于模态平衡的单平面加校正量的方法。算例验证结果表明:该方法可以在转子系统一阶临界转速左右及以下的转速范围内很好地平衡转子系统的初始弯曲,而且在该转速范围内也能很好地平衡转子系统可能同时具有的质量不平衡。但在用该方法平衡转子系统的初始弯曲时,由于在不同转速下所求得的校正量是不同的,所以从严格意义上来说,每一个校正量只能平衡相应的一个转速,但可以结合采用转子系统自动平衡头来达到比较完善的动平衡效果。 For the dynamic balance of rotor system with initial bow, one mode-based balance method was presented, in which the emendation mass was added on the single plane. The calculated results of the example validate by the method, rotor system's initial bow can be well balanced around the first critical rotate speed and under it, and the mass unbalance of the rotor system can also well balanced in the speed range. But when using the method to balance the rotor system with initial bow, in different speed the emendation mass is different, so actually one emendation mass only can be used to balance one rotate speed relatively, but the dynamic balance effect can be more perfect using the automatic balance head in the rotor system.

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