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  • 发布时间:2014-03-26


文章通过旋转唇形油封的宏观理论模型,推导出泵吸率公式,计算分析了油膜厚度、接触载荷、接触宽度、油封唇角、转速和弹簧偏移量等对泵吸效应的影响。结果表明,只有当油侧唇角大于空气侧唇角时才存在泵吸,此时泵吸率随油侧唇角增加而增强,随空气侧唇角增加而减小,随接触载荷的增加而增加,随油膜厚度的增加而显著增加,随接触宽度的增加而减小。转速增加,油膜变厚,泵吸率增加。弹簧安装位置影响接触压力分布,从而影响泵吸率。泵吸率的计算为油封设计参数的选取提供了理论依据。 An equation of pumping rate is formulated from the macroscopic theoretical model of rotary lip seal. The influences of film thickness, contact pressure, contact width, lip angle, rotating speed and spring offset on pumping effect are analyzed. The results show that the seal can generate pumping effect only when the oil-side angle is larger than the air-side angle. The pumping rate increases with the increase of the oil-side angle while decreases with the increase of the air-side angle. The increase of contact pressure enhances the pumping effect. The pumping rate quickly increases with the increase of film thickness, while decreases with the increase of contact width. The pumping rate increases with the increase of rotating speed which causes an increase of film thickness. The spring installation position influences the contact pressure distribution, thus affecting the pumping rate. The calculation of pumping rate provides theoretical proofs for the selection of seal design parameters.

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