
Study and application of monitoring plane displacement of a similarity model based on time-series images

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  • 发布时间:2014-03-26


In order to compensate for the deficiency of present methods of monitoring plane displacement in similarity model tests, such as inadequate real-time monitoring and more manual intervention, an effective monitoring method was proposed in this study, and the major steps of the monitoring method include: firstly, time-series images of the similarity model in the test were obtained by a camera, and secondly, measuring points marked as artificial targets were automatically tracked and recognized from time-ser- ies images. Finally, the real-time plane displacement field was calculated by the fixed magnification between objects and images under the specific conditions. And then the application device of the method was designed and tested. At the same time, a sub-pixel location method and a distortion error model were used to improve the measuring accuracy. The results indicate that this method may record the entire test, especially the detailed non-uniform deformation and sudden deformation. Compared with traditional methods this method has a number of advantages, such as greater measurement accuracy and reliability, less manual intervention, higher automation, strong practical properties, much more measurement information and so on.

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