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  • 发布时间:2014-03-26
采用UMT-2型球一盘摩擦磨损试验机研究溅射沉积MoS2/Sb2O3,复合固体润滑膜的滑动摩擦磨损寿命,采用显微镜分析球一盘摩擦副在不同磨损阶段的磨损形貌与磨损状况,并对磨痕位置S、Mo元素进行XPS分析。结果表明:在摩擦磨损寿命试验过程中,摩擦副的接触方式最开始的点接触逐步过渡到面接触;MoS2固体润滑膜对滑动摩擦副的延寿作用是基底材料表面的有效厚度润滑膜及MoS2对摩擦偶件(钢球)的转移;机械磨损的剪切剥离效应是润滑失效的主要原因,MoS2的氧化在一定程度上加剧了润滑失效的进程。 The MoS2/Sb2O3 composite films fabricated on the 9Cr18 steel discs ter. The worn surface morphologies of balls and discs during different worn phases croscope. The main chemical elements S, Mo in the worn surface were analyzed discs during different worn phases were measured with the aid of a nano scratch were investigated by means of a tribomewere measured on a high resolution miwith PHI-5720 XPS. The worn areas of meter. The results show that the MoS2/ Sb2O3 composite films have better oxidation resistance properties and longer wear-life(6.5 × 10^5 r). The pattern of contact between the ball and its counterpart disc is converted into fiat-contact from point-contact during the wear test. The MoS2 transferred from discs to the surface of the balls helps to contribute their longer wear-life. Accumulated wear between balls and their respective counterpart discs results in their lubrication failure, and the accompanying oxidation of MoS2 occurring partially accelerates the lubrication failure
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