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  • 发布时间:2017-03-10


IPC-SM-782A表面安装设计和焊盘设计标准(带BGA)IPC Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating
misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and
improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum
delay the proper product for his particular need. Existence of such Standards and Publications
shall not in any respect preclude any member or nonmember of IPC from manufacturing or sell-
ing products not conforming to such Standards and Publication, nor shall the existence of such
Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than IPC members,
whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally.
Recommended Standards and Publications are adopted by IPC without regard to whether their
adoption may involve patents on articles, materials, or processes. By such action, IPC does
not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor do they assume any obligation whatever to
parties adopting the Recommended Standard or Publication. Users are also wholly responsible
for protecting themselves against all claims of liabilities for patent infringement.
t on
It is the position of IPCs Technical Activities Executive Committee (TAEC) that the use and
implementation of IPC publications is voluntary and is part of a relationship entered into by
customer and supplier. When an IPC standard/guideline is updated and a new revision is pub-
lished, it is the opinion of the TAEC that the use of the new revision as part of an existing
relationship is not automatic unless required by the contract. The TAEC recommends the use
of the lastest revision. Adopted October 6. 1998
Your purchase of this document contributes to the ongoing development of new and updated
industry standards. Standards allow manufacturers, customers, and suppliers to understand one
another better. Standards allow manufacturers greater efficiencies when they can set up their
processes to meet industry standards, allowing them to offer their customers lower costs.
IPC spends hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to support IPCs volunteers in the
standards development process. There are many rounds of drafts sent out for review and
the committees spend hundreds of hours in review and development. IPCs staff attends and
participates in committee activities, typesets and circulates document drafts, and follows all
necessary procedures to qualify for ANSI approval.

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