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  • 发布时间:2017-03-10


米酒发酵毕业论文(生命科学学院 湖南科技大学,湘潭 411000)
关键词:米酒 酿造 实验,测定
Rice wine brewing
(College of life sciences, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411000)
Abstract: rice wine is a kind of glutinous rice as the main raw materials, brewing wine beverage with yeast and water from the. Its alcohol content 3% -- 14%, and contain rich glucose, amino acids, vitamins, organic acids, polysaccharides and so on, refreshing color, elegant aroma, can be described as the ages of tonic type drinks. Due to the types of sweet liqueur koji for regional and individual experience and complex chaos, which is leading to uneven quality of rice wine, taste different underlying causes. In addition the production of no uniform standards of operation, product quality inspection standard is not perfect due to the slow development of the domestic wine. In this experiment, the factors in the production of rice wine were analyzed in detail, the production process of rice wine was optimized, and the optimal combination of process parameters of rice wine was obtained by sensory evaluation.
Key words: rice wine,brewing , Experimental , determination

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