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S41SXJackson-SpotlightThe level of service that Jackson provides the
project means juggling his four pump fl eet to
keep his other customers happy. It is hard
to anticipate their needs. If it rains, they dont
need me and then when it is dry we go like
heck pumping 600 and 1,000 yard pours regu-
larly. Or they may switch from a 600 yard pour
to a 200 yard pour which can affect the rest of
your day,” Jack explains, You just dont know
from day to day how much concrete pumping
they will need on short notice.”
Jackson has been on the project at least three
times a week” since the spring and has pumped
everything from four-foot thick mats for process
equipment to foundations for conveyors that
will handle the grain. We average between
125 and 150 yards per hour per pump on these
mass pours.”
My Schwing
rokes 30 percent less than
my other pumps.

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