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作者简介:葛文勋(1923-) ,男,博士,教授,whk ###case. edu.
葛文勋1 ,2
, 丛 鹏1
(1.美国凯斯西储大学电子工程与计算机科学系 ,克利夫兰市 44106 ;2.厦门大学萨本栋微机电研究中心 ,厦门 361005)
摘 要: 微机电系统(MEMS)自1988年迄今 ,已从初期的探索、 研究和创新阶段转向了生产与应用的成熟阶段 ,与
此同时开辟了很多新领域.对于在今后 5~10 年中MEMS研究和发展的动向 ,专家们因其背景不同而看法各异 ,笔
者选用现有实例来说明.从现在的趋势看 ,传统微机电系统的未来动向可以概括为 4 个方面. ①把 传统” 的、 成型
的MEMS元件或系统改进后 ,推向大规模应用 ,以支持持久的研究和开发; ②传感器和微系统网络 ,当单-效能的
系统在应用上建立后 ,可以开拓大型系统的应用; ③新的材料 ,使用硅或半导体以外的许多材料制作特殊的微系
统; ④ 发展新的应用领域将是 非传统” 的MEMS的主要动向 ,这些新的领域有生物研究和医药用仪器设备 ,微能源
无线通讯和光通讯 ,环境保护和监测 ,以及纳米系统等.笔者根据-些从事 MEMS教育和研究的人员的看法 ,对其
发展动向作-简要报告 ,为MEMS计划工作者提供-些参考.
关键词: 微机电系统; 传感器; 微加工
中图分类号: TN4文献标志码: A 文章编号: 167226030 (2007) 0320182208
Trends and Frontiers of MEMS
GE Wen2xun
1 ,2
, CONG Peng
(1.Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , Case Western Reserve University , Cleveland 44106 , USA;
2. Pen2Tung Sah Micro2Electro2Mechnical Systems Research Center , Xiamen University , Xiamen 361005 , China)
Abstract : Since 1988 , the MEMS has advanced from the early stage of technology development , device explo2
ration , and laboratory research , to the mature stage of mass production and applications , as well as launched
exploration and research in many new areas. F or the trends of MEMS in the next 5 to 10 years , people with
different background would have different views and projections. This article will present examples to illustrate
the suggested future trends.
From the present MEMS orientation , the future trends of MEMS can be suggested as below. ①Trans fer
the traditional useful MEMS to large scale applications , to establish mass markets. This would build up MEMS
industries to support the sustained MEMS research and development . ②Sens or and MEMS network. There are
needs of having many different functional systems and many similar functional systems working together to per2
form required big tasks. ③New materials. Besides silicon and semiconductors , many other materials can be
used for special MEMS. ④Explore new frontiers. Many new frontiers of research and application were deve2
loping. More will be open up. Such as : biological research and medical instruments ; micro energy s ources-
micro fuel cells , environmental energy converters , remote energy supply techniques , etc. ; radio frequency and
opticalP IFR communication ; environmental monitoring and protection ; nano micro mixed technology.
This article attempts to present the views of s ome MEMS educators and researchers in an over simplified
form. I t is hoped that this would stimulate more valuable discussions that may be valuable to planners of MEMS
development and general readers.

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