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4S8基于三菱数控系统立式加工摘 要


关键词:M64S数控系统;加工中心; PLC控制程序


In today's machinery manufacturing developing process, the CNC technology is one of the core technologies. CNC Machining Center has become a modern control indispensable processing equipment, To meet the needs of machining accuracy regardless of the structure or mechanical control system is a very high demand CNC systems with high reliability and precision by a wide range of users of all ages. Based on Mitsubishi M64S NC system for the processing center, I introduced processing center structure, NC system specifications, and wiring etc. The most important content is about the PLC control programming for Mitsubishi M64S NC system.
According to the design requirements, this paper includes the following parts: hardware systems, the Machining Center electrical control circuit design, PLC control procedures for the preparation and debugging. The first chapter is about the NC concept, structure, classification and the development trend and Mitsubishi briefed the NC system. Chapter two is about the NC system hardware installation, including all the equipment connected basic I / O modules betIen connections. The third chapter describes the CNC Machining Center electrical control circuit design, including the design of the main circuit, Control circuit design and servo circuit design. Chapter four presents the PLC control procedures for the preparation steps and key part of the explanation. Chapter five is about the software and computer programming and NC systems, and procedures into M64S NC system simple debugging. In chapter six I summarized the design process and experience of the graduated project.

Keywords: M64S NC; Machining center; PLC control procedures

目 录

第-章 绪论 1
1.1 概述 1
1.1.1 CNC数控基本概念 1
1.1.2 数控加工中心的组成 1
1.1.3 数控系统的分类 3
1.1.4 数控加工中心的优缺点 6
1.1.5 数控技术发展回顾及未来发展趋势 6
1.2数控系统介绍 7
1.2.1 三菱数控产品简介 7
1.2.2 三菱M64S数控系统简介 7
第二章 三菱M64S数控系统硬件组成

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