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40-8型自动灌装压盖联合机酒缸系统设计说明书 The value of the present invention is employed to fill bottles regardless of their from or size ,with no need to from a leak-proof seal with them,so much so that the lack of rigidity or the relative imperfection of the bottle is no obstacle to the correct and rapid filling of the bottle .the value according to the invention ,does not work by vacuum,but it acts with pressure on the liquid, for which reason the viscosity of the liquid does not constitute any problem in the bottling,contrary to what happens with the conventional vacuum or gravity filling valves, in which these factors are critical.
This paper is the design of the bottle entrusted to design and machine design Block . Child care agencies bottle filling process will be sent to the bottle filling valve for filling the important components. It is designed to now commonly used mechanical and aerodynamic mixed movements designed to improve body. Mixed movements of the landing wheel of technical change Rolling , Seat body design is described in the base of how to streamline the agencies, reduce the machine-made materials and their own weight, thereby optimizing the performance of a piece.

Key words:filling equipment ; bottle; gravity filling

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1绪 论 1
1.1综述 1
1.2灌装机械简史 1
1.3国内外灌装机械发展现状 1
1.4 我国破灌装机械的发展趋势 2
1.5 本课题的提出以及课题要求 3
2 40-8型自动灌装压盖联合机灌装阀的设计 4
2.1 灌装的基本原则 4
2.2 灌装系统的工艺要求及注意事项 4
2.3 灌装方法的选择 7
2.4 定量方法的选择 9
2.5 灌装阀的结构方案设计 10
2.6 灌装阀的结构设计与计算 11
3 40-8型自动灌装压盖联合机酒缸的设计 18
3.1 酒缸供料方式的确定 18
3.2 酒缸方案及轮廓尺寸的确定 18
3.3 酒缸供料装置中分流头设计 18
3.4 输送管路的计算 19
3.5 灌装瓶高度调节机构设计计算 21
3.6 酒缸液位的调整 22
3.7 灌装量的调整 22
4 使用与维护 25
4.1 基本要求 25
4.2 安全技术操作过程 25
5 结论 27
致 谢 28
参考文献: 29
附 录 30
1.英语原文 30
2.中文翻译 37

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