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纸浆泵在造纸工艺流程中有着举足轻重的地位,而中浓浆泵凭借其环保、高效、低能耗的特点已越来越成为研究焦点和发展趋势[1-2]。国外对于纸浆泵的研究起步较早,研制的纸浆泵具有较高的性能指标[3-5]。国内学者对纸浆泵也开展了相关研究,李红等[6-8]综述了低浓纸浆泵的结构原理和性能特点,并采用双流体模型、双方程湍流k-e模型对低浓纸浆泵进行了数值模拟及试验研究,证明了少叶片半开式 叶轮输送两相流介质的优点所在。陈克复n]、陈奇峰[g 。采用基于有限元法的 CFD技术,对于中浓纸浆进行了研究,对不同类型的离心式中浓浆泵结构进行了探讨。黄烈群等[11]将纸浆简化为固体颗粒/清水均匀混合的两相流介质,对-螺旋式纸浆泵内部流动进行数值模拟,采用RNG肛e模型,人口和出口边界给定湍流参数、水力直径,所得的数值结果与实验值基本-致。但中国在离心式纸浆泵的设计研究方面,由于受到各种因素的限制,其水力部件的设计主要是参考清水泵的设计方法,再根据浆料特点加以修正,设计时必须依靠大量的经验数据,而设计出来的纸浆泵与国外存在明显的差距,并且对于浓纸浆泵内部流动的研究涉及较少。


1 计算模型与数值方法本文中离心式纸浆泵在输送清水条件时,其主要设计参数有:转速2 350 r/min,流量110 m。/h,扬程 120 m。模型泵的比转速56.95,属于低比转速离心泵。模型泵的叶轮为半开式离心叶轮,主要的几何参数如表 1所示。图 1为离心式纸浆泵过流部件收稿日期:2O12-l1-19基金项目:国家 自然科学基金资助项目(21076198,50976105,51276172)浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(R1100530)作者简介:贾晓奇(1987-),男,浙江嘉兴人,硕士研究生,主要从事流体机械及工程的研究。

通信作者:崔宝玲 ,电子邮箱:blcui###zstu.edu.cn第4期 贾晓奇等:离心式纸浆泵内部流动的数值模拟 519[1O]陈奇峰,陈克复,杨仁党,等.基于 CFD的中浓纸浆悬浮液在变径管内流动的数值模拟EJ].中国造纸学报,2004,19(2):96-98。

El1]黄烈群,袁 静,陈义红,等.螺旋式纸浆泵内部流动的数值模拟EJ].机电工程 ,2007,24(12):5O-52,95。



Numerical Simulation of Internal Flow in Centrifugal Pulp Pump 。

JIA Xiao-qi ,CUI Bao-ling ,CHEN De-sheng ,HUANG De-shah(1.Provincial Key Lab of Fluid Transmission Technology Research,Zhej iang Sci-Tech University,Hangzhou 3 1 00 1 8.China;2.Hangzhou Proj ect& Research Institute of Electro-Mechanicin Light Industry,Hangzhou 310004,China)Abstract:To study the internal flow features of centrifugal pulp pump under small flow working con-dition。this paper conducts three-dimensional incompressible two-phase turbulence flow computing for in-ternal flow in a centrifugal pulp pump with Mixture muhiphase flow and compares with the calculation re-suh under fresh water WOrking condition;conducts contrastive analysis on the influence of different flowworking conditions and mediums on fluid velocity in the pump,pressure and volume concentration distri-bution and predicts the hydraulic performance;finds that the velocity change in impeller passage of pulppump is nonuniform and there is a large area of backflow;with the same medium,the smaller the flow,the more unstable the internal flow in impeller passage;under the same working condition,the flow withfresh water medium is more stable than two-phase flOW;the lift and efficiency of pump under two-phaseflow are lower than that under fresh water medium;pulp distribution is nonuniform locally and its concert-tration in the root and on the top at the entrance on the blade surface,which is easy to cause local abrasionand reduce the life of impeller。

Key words:centrifugal pulp pump;numerical simulation;two-phase flow;performance prediction(责任编辑:张祖尧)

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