
Pro/E及Power MILL软件在基座零件制造中的应用

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Pro/E and Power M ILL Software in the Application of Base Parts M anufacturingCUI Jing ,H0U Yansheng(1.College of CNC Technology ,Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute,Xianyang 712000,China;2.Shaanxi Caihong ElectronicGlass Co.,Ltd,Xianyang 72 1 000,China)Abstract:The paper took the application of CAD/CAM technology as precondition,and took base parts as an example,described the specific application of Pro/E and Power MILL software in the CNC machining process including brief descrip-tion of the Pro/E modeling process and elaborated using Power MILL automatically programming steps on the base part,machining strategy,process parameters,simulation and post-processing of the program.Actual production showed that itcan significantly improve the processing quality and efficiency of product,and shorten parts manufactu ring cycle。

Key words:Pro/E,Power MILL,base parts,CNC machining随着科学技术 的发展 ,机械产 品的形状和结构不断改进,对零件的加工质量要求也越来越高,传统的加工方式已经不能满足现代化加工的要求,采用计算机辅助设计与制造(CAD/CAM)技术已成为整个制造业 的发展趋 势和重点 。本文 以基 座零件 为例,介绍了Pro/E及 Power MILL软件在零件造型设计加工制造中的应用1]。

1 利用 Pro/E软件造型Pro/E软件是美 国参数技术公 司推出的新-代CAD/CAE/CAM 软件 ,它具有 基于特 征、全 相关 、单-数据和全参数化造型的特点,为三维实体造型提供了-个 良好的平台。

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