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TribologicaCharacteristiCS and Heat Transfer BehaviorD l l c cs 1 t 0f tNano.MoS.Based Lubricating OilWan Qingming 。 Jin Yi , Ding Yulong 。

(1.State Key Laboratory of Muhiphase Complex Systems,Institute of Process Engineering,Chinese Academy ofSciences,Beijing 100190,China;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;3.IPE-LeedsJoint Institute for Energy Storage Research,Beijing 100190,China)Abstract:The tribological characteristics and heat transfer behavior of nano-MoS2 based lubricating oil were investiga-ted.Layered structured nano.MoS,particles were suspended in a base lubricating oil with the aid of a dispersant(Span80)t0 achieve good suspension stability.The rheological behavior and thermal conductivity of the base oil and nano-MoS2 basedoil were measured and compared.The results show litle changes in the viscosity and a significant increase in the therm alc0nductivity c0mpared with the base oil.indicating the nano.based oil form ulation could serve as a good heat transfer flu-id.The fricti0n characteristics and wear behavior were studied with a four-ball tribotester.The resuhs indicate that thenaJ1o.M0S based form ulations have a lower friction coefficient and a better anti.wear behavior than the base oil in al lubri-cant regimes。

Keywords:nano-based oil;MoS2;tribological characteristics;Stribeck curve;heat tran sfer behavior目前,很多研究通过添加纳米颗粒来改善传统润滑油的润滑性能 。-般将这种添加了纳米颗粒的润滑油称为纳米润滑油。以往的研究结果表明,向润滑油中添加少量的纳米颗粒就可以产生明显的减摩抗磨基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (21106148;21106151);国家科技支撑计划课题 (2012BAA03B03)。


通讯作者:丁玉龙,男,教授,研究方向为纳微悬浮液的制备及性能研究,多相流动与传热过程研究等 .E-mail:ylding###mail.ipe.ac.ClL效果。在这些研究中,常用的纳米颗粒有 TiO:、石墨、富勒烯、纳米金刚石、二硫化钨、二硫化钼等等 。针对纳米润滑油表现出的优良摩擦学性能,许多研究者都对其减摩抗磨机制进行了研究和分析,提出的机制主要包括:纳米颗粒的轴承滚珠效应,在摩擦件表面形成的沉积膜效应,修复效应及第三体模型 。在实际摩擦过程中,通常是 2种或2种以上的机制同时发挥作用。从流体的角度讲,纳米润滑油属于纳米流体的-种 。有关纳米流体的文献,大多以研究其在导热传热性能方面的改善为主,

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