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Sep.2013机 床 与 液 压Hydromechatronics Engineering Vo1.41 No.18DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001—3881.2013.18.025Process Parameter Optimizatifor Abnormity Thin-wal PotSONG Zhiping ,CUI Shuping ,HUANG Teon Pneuma‘c Bulgingon ti R R. Shanxi Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Changzhi 04601 1,China;2.Yongkang Vocational and Technical School,Yongkang 321300,China1.IntroductionAbstract:TO enhance the forming quality of pneum~ic bulging for abnormity thin-wal pot and re·duce such forming defects as severe wal thickness reduction and fold breaks.Based on numerI-caI simulation.this article analyzes the impact of the friction factor.die radius of curvature,potwal thickness and load pressure on the walI thickness reduction rate.maximum stress and axiaIcontraction.The experiment result is consistent.with that of the numericaI simulation.The re-search results have greater practical value to process optimization and process contro1.

Key words:Abnormity Thin-wal pot,process parameter,numerical simulation,optimizationAbnormity thin-wall pot is a metal container o±different shapes made through partial expansion orrolling designs. Abnormity thin—wal pot is welknown for its unique appearance to consumers,and itis popular with manufacturers for being effective inraising added value of products.It has broad marketdemand and developing space at home and abroad[1].

Abnormity thin—wall pot has thinner thickness(6=0.17~0.28 mm[1]),sometimes it shouldbear a certain amount of pressure and corrosion,andit also has higher quality requirements for formingparts,which is hard to achieve through traditionalmolding methods. The pneumatic bulging is a newprocess and technology with great prospects[2].Asthe forming process is afected by material perform-ance,earthenware size,mould shape,friction statusand many other factors[3—4],improper parameterwill not get ideal thickness distribution and will havesuch forming defects as corrugation and breakage.

Received:2013—02—21SONG Zhiping。 Associate Professor. E—mail: songszp###sohu.cornTherefore,it is necessary to make further research onpneumatic bulging process parameter.

2.The finite.element model and numericalsimulation schemeUsing metal form ing stimulation special softwareDYNAFORM ,to build the finite—element model ofabnormity pot semi—finished product and the mould,as shown in Fig.1.

mi—finished potFig.1 Finite—element model of semi—finishedpot and mouldTin plated steel is commonly used as the materi—al of the abnormity pot semi—finished product. Thematerial model chooses the Bartlat material mode1.

the mould deformation is treated as rigid materials.

The constitutive equations o-= 如 .K =521.32MPa.n =0.144 are satisfied.In the numerical simu—126 Hydromechatronics Engineeringlation process,by adopting the method of fixing otherparameters and changing individual parameter,westudied the influence of friction factor,mould roundangle,pot wall thickness and bulging pressure on thestress of bulging area and the wall thickness reductionwhich wil lead to forming defects such as corrugationor breakage.Specific programs are shown in Tab.1.

The simulation includes 20 steps together,at last theformed part entirely attaches to the surface of themould.

Tab.1 Program of Numerical Simulation3.Discussion about the Numerical Simula—tion Result3.1.Di髓erent friction factors’influenceChanging the friction factor respectively,thesemi.finished materials have pasted the mould com .

pletely.and the simulation result data is obtained.

As shown in Fig.2,the friction factor between themold and the pot semi.finished product increases.thereduction rate of wall thickness wil1 increase obvious.

1y,particularly remarkable in the step =0.01~0.05;When >0.10,it almost becomes the hori—zontal straight line.and its influence isn’t obvious.

The maximum stress value tends to rise along with theincrease of friction factor.Therefore.the increase ofthe friction is not favorable for the bulging,and thefriction should be reduced as far as possible.Consid—ering the realistic lubrication condition and the lubri.

cation efficiency,the reasonable value of the frictionfactor is situated between 0.05—0.1O.

3.2.The influence of die radius of curvatureChanging the die radius of curvature r.the sim—ulation result is obtained as shown in Fig. 3. Itshows that with the increase of the die radius of cur.

vature.axial contraction almost becomes a linear go—ing up,which is very beneficial to pneumatic bul-ging.If the die radius of curvature is too smal1.thepot base at the die radius of curvature wil have thestress concentration area and then lcad to its quickbreakage.Therefore.small die radius of curvatureshould be avoided in the design of actual products,the reasonable value should be the maximum one onthe premise r>46(8 is pot wal thickness).

3.3.Pot wall thickness 6 its influenceChanging pot wall thickness,the simulation re-suit is obtained as shown in Fig.4.The chart showsthat when pot wall thickness increases,the maximumreduction rate,the maximum stress value and the axi—al contraction al reduce. The thicker the semi—fin—ished product is,the more beneficial it is to forming.

But this contradicts with the lightweight and materialeconomy.Therefore,based on satisfying the opera·tion requirements and guaranteeing the formed quali—ty.it is economical to select smaller pot wall thick一13 ss .

3.4.The influence of bulging pressureChanging bulging pressure P respectively,thesimulation result data is obtained as shown in Fig.5.

Figure 5 indicates that with the increase of bulgingpressure, wall thickness reduction quantity, thestress value and the axial contraction will increasetoo.but the increase is not much enough to have anobvious effect. Therefore, the bulging pressureshould be a small value in the condition that bulgingjs st】mcient.

SONG Zhiping,et al:Process Parameter Optimization on Pneumatic Bulgingfor Abnormity Thin—wall Pot 1278612 212 011 8l】611 4l】2l1 OO 0 05 0 l0 0 1 5 0 205l25lO5085O65045O25O049849649449249048848648440 0 05 0 10 0 1 5 O 20 0 0 05 0 10 0 1 5 O 20“ “Fig.2 Diferent Friction Factors’Influence494492兰g 490专488蛊486484Fig.3 Influence of Die Radius of Curvature0 10 0 1 5 0 20 0 25 0 306/ram5O65045025004984964944924904884864840 10 0 1 5 0 20 0 25 0 306/ramFig.4 Influence of Pot Wal ThiCkness10 1 5 20 25 30 5 10 1 5 20 25 30p/M Pa p/M PaFig.5 Influence of Bulging Pressure4.Process parameter optimizationConsidering such factors as pot wall thickness,friction factor,the die radius of curvature,the load·ing intrinsic pressure ,material economy,the processparameter is optimized as:The material is tin—plate2 102 052 OO1 951 9O1 851 971 96l 951 941 931 92r/mm0 10 0 1 5 0 20 0 25 0 306/raml0 1 5 20 25 30p/M Pasteel:Thickness =0.20 mm;Friction factor0.06:Die radius of curvature r=15 mm;Bulgingpressure P 6 MPa.Through the numerical simula-tion optimization.the wall thickness distribution andthe stress distribution of the simulation result arecompared as shown in Fig。6.

As we can see from the figure, the thinnest吕 暑 ;磊} 口0【1u 目0Q哥 《Bd ;一B^ ∞∞o o IH/II对事 苗h 口lu置骞 目、o 对>口0I10J】目00 日 《/I1日李 0 j二【u【q∞ % 髂1 } i j 暑鲁 ; 口0 3J苦 0o lx《目 苫 ;一譬 ∞∞o ∞ ∞/【1日事 0 0 口Iu三暑 口~0j 霄 口0I1QJ1 00 日 《5 0 5 O 5 O ” ” 如 如
Bd ;一 ∞∞o丧 。曰暑『【1 事 - Luj128 Hydromechatronics Engineeringthickness increases from 0.176 mm to 0.187 mm af-ter the optimization.Through calculating,we can seethat the maximum wal1 thickness reduces from 0.024mm to 0.0l3 inn1.and the maximum reduction ratereduees from 1 1.8% to 6.6% .which is a big im—provement.Meanwhile,the maximum stress value re-duces from 492.5 MPa to 481.8 MPa.the stress dis—tribution is also improved to some extent.

(a)Afterptimization (b)Before optimizationFig.6 Comparison of the Result of WallThickness Distribution5.Experimental confirmationThe test specimen is T3 tin-plate steel pot.wallthickness 6:0.2 mtn,frietion factor :0.06,dieradius of curvature r=5 mm.1oading intrinsic pres—sure P 6 MPa. The DERUN pneumatic pressurebulging machine is used to(:arty on the experiment.

Figure 7 shows the comparison of the test specimenbefore and after forming. Figure 8 is the cut testspecimen.Fig.9 is the thickness distribution map ofthe numerieal simulation test specimen under thesame condition.

Fig.7 Experimental test specimen before and after ArmingTaking 3 cut test specimen,and comparing themeasured values of the pot wall thickness and thesimulation data, the biggest error is smaller than1 0% .the numerieal simulation result coincides thetest result wel1.which proves the feasibility of numer一;ca】sjmulation.

Fig.8 The chart of the cut experimental test specimen6.Conclusions0.20 瑚 0.191ra4o0 fg52790.19291901 9l'55901明 1990185嘲 01834780t811180 t7t3"15"10 l76397Through analyzing the numerical simulation re—suit of the abnorm ity thin.wall pot.the article studiesthe influence rules of friction factor,the die radius ofcurvature,pot wall thickness and the bulging pres—sure on the pneumatic pressure bulging form ing:1) Increasing the friction between the mouldand the pot semi—finished product does not favor thebulging forming,so the friction factor should be re—duced as far as possible.and the reasonable value is= 0.05~0.10.

2 The inerease of the die radius of curvaturecauses the linear reduction of the maximum reductionrate and the maximum stress value which is greatlyadvantageous to the bulging. The product designshould avoid the radius of curvature being too smal,it should be the maximum one on the premise r>46( is pot wall thickness).

3、 The inerease of the pot wall thickness isgreatly advantageous to the forming.On the premisethat forming quality is guaranteed,the pot wal thick—ness should be reduced as far as possible so as toconsider the economy request.

4)Bulging pressure increases,the reductionrate of the pot wal thickness.the stress value and■圃●■∞柏 憎蛐孵舶 伯 町 一
0 o 0 n 0 0 D o 0 0.
■圈■霸口 鼍 ,●0 7 s 3 1日7 6 3 lI一
眦aS 印n .。 m. :叁豳S t {8
9 g F SONG Zhiping,et al:Process Parameter Optimization on Pneumatic Bulgingfor Abnormity Thin—wall Pot 1the axial contraction increases too.The Loading pres—sure should be the minimum one when sumcient bul— E 3]ging is guaranteed.

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