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Study on the Influence of Cavitation in Infusion Pipeline Elbow Structural OptimizationSUN Hongmei .JING Fuxuan(1.Beijing Polytechnic,Beijing 100029,China;2.Shandong Province Metalurgical Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Laiwu Shandong 271 104,China)Abstract:Cavitation is harmful phenomenon in hydraulic transmission systems,frequently occuring at infusion piping elbows。

Not only the continuity of fluid is damaged,the fluid medium physical properties are reduced,but also vibration noise is caused.Thecavitation of the infusion piping elbows was studied.The air cavitation occured region was forecasted,and the resistances on the walland diversion were calculated as well as the volume of the gas cavitation. Research results show"the wal and diversionS pressurethat considering cavitation is bigger than not considering.The cavitation serious area is at low pressure area of flow field.With the in-crease of the slice inside pipeline elbow,total pressure diference is decreased。

Keywords:Pipeline elbow;Structural optimization;Cavitation;Vibration noise在液体中当某点压力低于液体在此温度下的空气分离压的时候,原来溶于液体中的气体就会分离出来,产生气泡,这就是气穴现象。气穴是液压系统中常见的-种有害现象,经常发生在阀口以及弯头附近,不仅破坏了流体的连续性、降低了介质的物理特性,而

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