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Flow Field Analysis of Flight Attitute Control Devoce with Laval Nozzley,Ⅳ Yao-boo。,ZHANG Li ,JIA Pi ,FU Jun-yonf(1.Colege of Mechanical Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;2.Shanghai Aerospace Control Technology Institute,Shanghai 200233,China)Abstract: Based on a new atitude eontrol method. thermodynamics equations and dynamic basic equations of Laval nozzle areestablished.The velocity, pressure and temperature field distribution of Laval nozzle are obtained.The results show that the flow velocityin the throat and the initial expansion segment changes quickly to create serious wal erosion where should be made by anti-erosionprotection materials. The wal pressure at convergent segment is high, and the pressure at throat an d initial expansion segment changesquickly where should be made by high sength materials. Th e wall temperature variation range is not big.At the nozzle throat, thetemperature dropped rapidly and there is partial uneven change phenomenon.Th erefore,the nozzle convergent section and throat materialshould consider the protection of ablation resistance. The theoretical and experimental results are useful and can be used as the referencewhen laval nozzle used on other aerospace projects。

Key words: flight machine; atitude control; laval nozzle; pneumatics; flow fieldO 概述飞行器姿态控制包括姿态稳定和姿态机动两种形基金项目:国家科技支撑计划资助项目(201 1BAJ02B06);国家 自然科学基金资助项 目(51175378);航空科学基金资助项目(20090738003)收稿 日期:2012-04-16作者简介:闻耀保(1965-),男 ,教授 ,博士生导师,工学博士。主要研究方向为极限环境下的流体传动与控制基础理论 ,飞行器能源与舵机,高速气动控制。

式,实现飞行器的俯仰、偏航和滚转。姿态稳定是指保持已有姿态的过程.它利用舵面与空气阻力控制飞行方向,与飞行速度、飞行高度、飞行器的外形相关 ,局限在大气层内;姿态机动是指将飞行器从-种姿态转变为另-种姿态的再定向过程,它通过喷管偏转,改变发动机排出气流的方向.利用发动机产生的推力,实现姿态控制 -2]。目前的飞行器姿态控制大多采用空气动力控制和推力矢量控制n。飞机和卫星常采用喷气反作用参 考1 高为炳.变结构控制理论基础[M.北京 :中国科学技术出版社 .1990。

2 刘云峰,缪栋.电液伺服系统的变结构鲁棒控制研究[J].西安第二炮兵工程学院学报,2005,(4)。

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