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Sep.2013机 床 与 液 压Hydromechatronics Engineering V0lI 41 No.18DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001—3881.2013.18.015Design on Heavy Oil W ellbore Lift SimulationExperiment DeviceW ANG Xiaomei ,YU Zhongsheng ,DING Youqing ,ZHU Xincai。

J.Chongqing University of Science and Technology,Chongqing 401331,China;2.Chongqing Unive~ity of Technology,Chongqing 400054,China1.IntroductionAbsttact:This paper introduces the strLIcture design of a heavy oi1 welbore Iift simulation expert.

ment device,analyzes the working principle and characteristics of the experimental device,andhas made a detailed analysis on the design of its driving system.Simulating heaw oil exploitationby the experiment device can provide a good experimental fundation for the research on dilutionviscosity reduction technology of heavy oil.So it has important significance.

Key WOrds:heavy oil,welbore lift。dilution viscosity reductionThe heavy oil exploitation is complex and highcost,and there are many rules have not been mas—tered.Heavy oil is Non—newtonian fluid.Its physicaland chemical flow regularity is quite complex.Multi—phase flow model used in engineering currently is ob—rained through thin oil(Newtonian fluid)flows basedon the low pressure test or field test conditions.Themodel does not apply to heavy oil flow regularity.

Therefore,experimental research in this field is anurgent need.It is necessary to develop a new experi—mental device to provide a scientifc basis for under.

standing the mechanism and laws of heavy oil flow.

This paper briefly introduces the structure design of aheavy oil wellbore 1ift simulation experiment device.

2.Structure of heavy oil wellbore lift simu-lation experiment deviceThe wellbore lift simulation experiment device isdesigned to be a modular small test simulation de.

vice.It consists of four pans,including mixing shearReceived:2013—04—22WANG Xiaomei.E—mail:wangxmabc### yahoo.eon1.enmodule module,module and circular pipe flow circu—lation module.

Each code ilustrated in Fig. 1 is shownin Table 1.

Fig.1 Basic structure of the experiment device3.Characteristics of experiment deviceThe experimental device has the following lea—tures:1)It can simulate the actual pumping procesflow condition. The actual production process is aone—way fluid flow.

2)It realizes the cycle,avoids the dead zone,makes the mix more evenly and higher eficiency,and accords with the real condition.Especially be—cause the static mixer requires one.way flow,it is dif-WANG Xiaomei,et al:Design on Heavy Oil Wellbore Lift SimulationExperiment Device 75ficuh to evaluate its characteristics if it uses recipro—caring driving.

3)Due to the realization of circulation,it makesthe heating insulation of the whole system more uni—foriB.

4)The vertical lifting test process is more stableand can be repeated many times,which gets moreaccurate data.

5)Feeding and sampling are not afected by thevolume efect,which is very convenient.

Tab.1 lIlustration of each code4.Instructions of experimental process1)Experiment preparationsThe heavy oil and treatment agent are respec—tively put into reservoir T2 and T3,and they are putin test requirements for heating and stirred to spare.

The purpose of these preparations is to ensure thatheavy oil has good fluidity,otherwise the meteringpumps can not work normally.

2)Heavy oil flow test① According to the set proportion to start mete—ring pumps C 1 and C2,heavy oil and treatment agentare mixed into reservoir TI.

⑦ The test fluid iS heated.stirred and mixed inT1,until it is mixed evenly.

③ Open the manual globe valves F3,F4(orF1.F2)and the electric globe valves K1,K2,andthen open the manual globe valve F5 to make the testliquid flow down into the test piping and piston pumpcylinder.

④ Start the stepping motor DK.At the sametime,respectively control the electric globe valves K1and K2 on or of.It can make fluid in the pipe linefurther circulation process,and detect parameters an-til the mixed liquid meets the testing requirements.

⑤ Test flow parameters of fluid in measuringsection,including differential pressure in measuringsection,total pressure in vertical section and fluidflow pipeline etc. And record the related data andtest curve.until it reaches the experiment require—m ent.

⑥ Caleulate the test results,analyze the relatedresults,and display and print the test results report.

Note:According to the specific needs in theprocess of the flow test,respectively make the liquidflow through or not through the mixer.So simulate theactual working condition in the process of pumpingwhich install underground mixer or not, and thenmake the related evaluation.

Mixture flows into lift module after single or mul—tiple flows through the pump.In lift module,mi xture76 Hydromechatronics Engineeringliquid column can move up and down under the con。

trol of reciprocating pump,and related flow parame—ters are obtained through the measuring section.

Each module has its own test system,circulationsystem and temperature control system,can be runseparately and determine the operating effects of vari—OU8 components, and can also analyze the overaleffeet of the wellbore lift after each module combina—tion.And the corresponding facilities can realize theoverall circulation.

3)Mixer flow testing experiment① According to the set proportion to start mete—ring pump C 1 and C2,heavy oil and treatment agentare mixed into reservoir T1.

② Open the manual globe valves F3,F4 andthe electric globe valves K1,K2,and then open themanual globe valve F5 to make the test liquid flowdown into the test piping and piston pump cylinder.

③ Start the stepping motor DK.At the sametime,respectively control the electric globe valves K1and K2 on or of.Pump mixed liquid to observationwindow G3 height position so far.

④ Shut down electric globe valve K2,and thenstart stepping motor/piston pump. According to theexperiment requirements,make the mixture recipro-cating flow through the mixer a certain number oftimes,and record related parameters(diferentialpressure in mixer section).At the same time,takethe sample,analyze and evaluate the liquid mixingeffect under the coresponding number of mixed timesby open valve F6.

⑤ Contrast and analyze the test results and themixed efects,display and print the test results re-port.

Note:The mixed efect of mixer can also be e.

重油井筒举升模拟实验装置结构设计王晓梅 ,喻忠胜 ,丁又青 ,朱新才valuated directly by circulation flow test of mixing liq—uid under the same conditions.

4、Clean the test system.

① Open the manual obe valve F6 for the fluiddischarge.

② Start metering pumps C1 and C2,and pumpthe residual heavy oil and the treatment agent intoreservoir T1,then the mixture is discharged fromvalve F6.

③ Add detergent respectively into the heavy oilreservoir T2 and the treatment agent reservoir T3,and carry out stiring and cleaning.

④ Close the manual globe valve F6,and thenstart metering the pumps C 1 and C2.Mix the deter—gent into the mixture reservoir T1,and start stirrerand piston pump repeated cyclically to clean the en-tire pipeline.

⑤ Open the manual globe valve F6 to make aldetergent mixture flow out.

Note:The cleaning process can be repeated sev—eral times until the system pipelines and reservoirsare cleaned up basically.

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摘要:介绍了一种重油井筒举升模拟实验装置的结构设计,分析了该实验装置的工作原理及特点,并就其驱动 系统的设计做 了详细分析。通过该实验装置对重油开采的模拟,为重油稀释降粘技术的研究提供 了很好的实验基础,具有重要意义。

关键词 :重油;井筒举升;稀释降粘中图分类号 :TH12

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